Inside-the-growing-push-for-less-added-color. Mo & Company Soaps

Inside the growing push for less added color.

Why are added colors in products so common?

Walk down the aisles of any grocery store, and you'll be bombarded with brightly colored packaging. From vibrant candies to eye-catching cereals, it seems like every product is trying to grab your attention with its colorful appearance. But have you ever stopped to wonder why these added colors are so prevalent?

The psychology behind added colors

Companies know that colors have a powerful impact on our emotions and buying decisions. Bright and bold colors can make a product seem more appealing and exciting. They can create a sense of urgency and make us feel like we need to buy the product immediately. It's a physiological marketing strategy that has been used for decades, and it's incredibly effective.

But do products really need added colors?

While added colors may make products more visually appealing, they are often unnecessary. In fact, many products can be just as enjoyable without colors. Take Mo & Co Soaps for example. Mo & Co Soaps never contain any added colors simply because it is truly an unnecessary ingredient.

The dangers of artificial colors

Artificial colors, on the other hand, can pose several risks to our health. Some studies have linked artificial colors to hyperactivity in children, while others have suggested a potential link to cancer. Additionally, artificial colors are often derived from petroleum, which raises concerns about their impact on the environment.

soap with colors


Embracing the natural beauty of products

Instead of relying on added colors, we should embrace the natural beauty of products. By choosing products that are free from colors, we can enjoy the full benefits of their natural ingredients. Not only is this better for our health, but it also supports sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

How to identify products without added colors

When shopping, look for products that proudly display "no added colors" on their packaging. Read the ingredient list carefully and avoid products that contain added, unnecessary colors. By being mindful of the products we choose, we can make a positive impact on our health and the environment.

In conclusion added colors may make products visually appealing, but they are often unnecessary and can pose risks to our health and the environment. By embracing products without colors, we can enjoy their natural beauty and scents while supporting a healthier and more sustainable future.

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